The assessment of soil and groundwater contamination is required for a wide variety of purposes including the safe redevelopment of land, due diligence during acquisition of property and land, demarcation of baseline data and assessment of pollution incidents.
The assessment of potentially contaminated land forms part of all planning applications. Michael D Joyce Associates LLP not only provide the necessary investigation and reporting in respect of planning requirements, but are able to assist in reducing risk and costs in respect of unforeseen contamination being encountered during construction. The main objective of any intrusive investigation is to provide sufficient information for the safe and economic development of a site. This is to identify any geotechnical constraints to developments. A Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA), identifies the risks associated with development of the site, and proposes all necessary mitigation measures. Where a site is identified as having been remediated previously, the investigation is designed to confirm that the remediation has been carried out correctly and is acceptable for the proposed development.
The investigation is designed to provide information on ground and groundwater conditions on the site, together with identifying potential areas of contamination. The investigation addresses requirements for any temporary works, and is undertaken in accordance with the principles of BS5930 Code of Practice for Ground Investigation and BS10175 Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites – Code of Practice.