Soakaway Testing

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Soakaways are used to allow the discharge of surface water from hardstanding and roof areas to the ground.  This is usually where discharge to piped systems or watercourses is impractical.  

The soakaway testing, also referred to as permeability or percolation testing, is carried out to determine the permeability of the ground and to determine the size of the soakaway.

Michael D Joyce Associates LLP routinely carry out soakaway testing, calculations of Soil Infiltration Rates and Soakaway design in accordance with;

  • BRE Digest DG365 – 2016
  • NHBC Chapter 5.3: Percolation Tests for Surface Water Soakaways
  • BS6297:2007: Percolation Test for Septic Tank Installation  
  • BS5930:1999 Falling and Constant Head Test in Boreholes

Groundwater Monitoring

Groundwater monitoring is carried out in either standpipes or piezometers.  Such monitoring is essential to determining the potential impact on foundations and earthworks.  Such monitoring also extends to determining groundwater quality via sampling and testing, in respect of potential impact from contaminants within the ground.