Phase 2 Ground (Intrusive) Investigation

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Trial Pitting and Trenching

Trial pits and trenches provide an effective and cost efficient method of ground investigation, whereby larger volumes of ground can be exposed allowing in-situ testing such as soakaway testing, strength testing and CBR testing.

Window Sampling/Dynamic Probing and Sampling

A window sampling rig allows access to restricted areas, with minimal disturbance. This allows in-situ Standard Penetration Tests (SPT’s) and the installation of gas and groundwater monitoring wells.

Rotary Openhole Boreholes for Coal Workings

Rotary boreholes are essential in determining the presence or absence of mineworkings which could potentially affect surface stability.

Cable Percussive Drilling

Also known as shell and auger boring. This method provides sampling and in-situ testing of softer near surface soils, and typically informs pile or raft design.